Friday, May 22, 2015

Grandkids Week


SAMSUNGThis week Joyce and I have been watching the grandkids while Mike and Samantha are taking their vacation in Japan. When we agreed to do this we did not know it would begin the day after a category 2 typhoon hit the island and we would be in typhoon SAMSUNGrecovery mode. Nevertheless, things have worked out and it has been an enjoyable week with the kids. I have been taking Titus and Courage to school in the morning and then Joyce brings Serenity by PIU so she can go to work at the Japanese school. That means that Serenity and I have been going out to lunch a lot this week. The kids have been a “big help” as we clean up from the typhoon and we have done a couple other activities with them. The pictures are from a grocery shopping trip with Courage and Serenity. (Titus was busy with homework) Of course we had to stop for some frozen yogurt while we were out. Mike and Sam come back tomorrow afternoon.

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