Friday, June 29, 2018

Structure and Message of Philippians

Philippians Color Chart

Message of Philippians

As citizens of heaven, we must rejoice and endure in the struggle because Jesus’ strength goes beyond any difficult circumstance or suffering we may face.

Outline of Philippians

God, in Christ, will accomplish His plan in His people, His church and in the world despite present circumstances and struggles.   1:1-30

  • The growth in the Philippian church is an example of how God can accomplish His plan.  1-11
    • The Gospel message is that God will complete what He began in His people. 1-6
    • The Gospel message results in brotherly love and concern in Jesus Christ. 7-8
    • The gospel message grows the believer into deeper relationship and imitation of Jesus. 9-11
  • Paul’s experience shows that adverse circumstances cannot stop the Gospel. 12-18
    • His imprisonment advanced the gospel through the palace guard and encouraged fearless preaching. 12-14
    • Even when the motivation is wrong, Gospel preaching will accomplish its goal. 15-18
  • Paul’s conviction is that everything done for and through Christ will be meaningful and successful. 19-26
    • Whether temporary circumstances are good or bad god will enable His people to glorify Him. 19-20
    • Even death cannot stop Christ from being glorified through his faithful people. 21-26
  • Therefore, no matter what the struggle, persecution or circumstance, live according to the gospel. 27-30 

Follow the humble and sacrificial examples of  Jesus, Paul, Timothy and Epaphroditus. 2:1-30

  • Have the humble, servant and self-sacrificing attitude Jesus had in His incarnation. 1-16
    • Command: Be unified by a humble attitude and service in the power of the Spirit. 1-4
    • Example: Jesus, God in the flesh, did not grasp his rights. Instead, He gave them up which resulted in the Father exalting Him to the ultimate position of power and authority.  5-11
    • Application: Allow Christ to work in you so that you can live peaceful, holy and contented lives.  12-16
  • Have the Christ-like attitude and actions of God’s servants. (Leaders should model sacrifice and service) 17-30
    • Paul’s life is an example of joyful self-sacrifice for Christ and His people. 17-18
    • Timothy’s life is an example of concern for God’s people and the work of the gospel. 19-24
    • Epaphroditus’ life is an example of the willingness to risk one’s own life for the gospel. 25-30

The confidence and focus of the successful Christian life is relationship with Jesus Christ. 3:1-21

  • The wrong basis for confidence is one’s own life, righteousness and rituals.  1-6
    • Beware of those who encourage legalism instead of relationship with Jesus through the Spirit. 1-3
    • Even Paul’s strict legalistic righteousness as a Pharisee was not enough. 4-6
  • The right confidence is Jesus’ righteousness found in a growing relationship with Him.  7-11
    • Compared to the benefit of knowing Jesus and His righteousness everything else is useless. 7-9a
    • Righteousness and relationship come through faith in Christ alone 9b
    • We experience Jesus’ righteousness and grow in it as the relationship with Jesus Christ grows.  10-11
  • Our goal should be to experience who we are in Jesus Christ. 12-16
    • We must focus on the heavenly goal and work hard to be what He calls us to be. 12-14
    • Maturity  is seen as, in Christ, we live up to the image of Christ. 15-16
  • To focus on the present and live for one’s lusts results in destruction. 17-19
  • You are destined to be a citizen of heaven. Live like you are now. 20-21

Only in relationship with Jesus Christ can we find power for heavenly living on earth. 4:1-23

  • Relationship with Christ gives you the power to stand firm and live in peace and unity with one another. 1-3
  • Relationship with Christ brings joyful, peaceful, pure and righteous thoughts and actions. 4-10
    Relationship with Christ allows you to live above the circumstances of life. 11-19
    • Circumstances do not matter because God can supply what is needed for any situation. 11-15
    • God often provides through the generosity of His people and rewards them for it. 16-19
  • The grace of God brings us together to bring glory to God 20-23

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