Since Joyce and I are back in California I have been reflecting on the three weeks we spent in Cincinnati with Mike’s family. We had a great time there and I am very thankful to the LORD (still fulfilling my vow of praise) that I am still around and healthy enough to make the flight (though with some minor complications) and enjoy most of the activities we had an opportunity to do. So, in no particular order, here are some things that make me glad that I made it to this point of being a grandpa.
The greeting I received each morning from my 2 year old granddaughter Arie as I woke up and came up the stairs to the kitchen to make my coffee, “Good morning grandpa, how are you doing today?” This was pretty much always accompanied by the smile of a person who was genuinely glad to see me.
- Listening to my 10 year old granddaughter, Courage, sing along with all the songs from “The Greatest Showman” while we watched the movie on Netflix. This made the movie infinitely better.
Eating lunch with the 3 older grandchildren at their schools and getting to meet their friends and teachers. I am thankful that they are in very good schools and it was fun to see them in their “natural habitats.” I also learned a lot about video games sitting at a table with six eleven year old boys.
- Reading the same books over and over to Arie. I am thankful that all my grandkids love books.
- Playing story games with Titus.
It was fun to try to top his “out there” stories. How did I get a grandson that is already into reading science fiction and theology?
- Hearing Serenity pound out “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” on the piano. Talking with her (well, mostly listening to her) and sharing in her joy in just living life and her keen notice and concern for everything around her.
- One of my lifelong dreams was to take my grandkids to a major league baseball game: Accomplished that one as we got to go to a great 12 inning game accompanied by hot dogs, sodas, peanuts, popcorn and cotton candy. A great day was had by all.
Taking the grandkids to church and meeting their pastor, Sunday school teachers etc. We are so thankful that they are in a great body of people that care about them and support them.
- Catching fireflies in the evening in the backyard. It reminded me of summers I spent as a child visiting my grandparents in Missouri. Good memories.
- Seeing Joyce so happy to be with her “babies, “ even if a couple of them are almost as tall as she is now.
We miss them already, but are happy about what they are doing and how God is working in their lives. I am sure we’ll find a way to get back there soon. Of course a San Diego version of this post may be coming soon too.
1 comment:
Titus' reading genres is not surprising at all considering his Dad and his Granddad :-)
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