Our first Bible Translation Day was held at PIU last Saturday. It was jointly sponsored by the Isles of Sea group (they work on Bible translations throughout the Pacific islands) and PIU. PIU is partnering with Isles of the Sea and
other Wycliffe groups to help reach the 2025 goal of having a translation project started for every language that does not have a Bible by the year 2025. Speakers included PIU teachers Ken Dixon and Peter Knapp (who are working on the Mokilese and Pingelapese Bible translations), Betty Amon (getting closer to finishing the Nukuroran translation and Cameron Fruit from Saipan who is working on several Carolinian translations. I learned a lot about Bible translation in our region and am even more encouraged by what God is doing in Micronesia.
Bible Translation Day actually started a day early as Peter led us in a Bible Translation chapel on Friday
Ken and Peter talked about translations in progress and the need for new projects
Betty shared her personal testimony about Bible translation while Cameron talked about the technical side of translation.
Peter and Lu Dee (left) working on stuff for a linguistics class
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