Saturday, May 16, 2015

Immediate Aftermath of Typhoon Dolphin

Well, we made it through another typhoon. We were off-island for the two big typhoons in 2002 saftermath (31)o I am talking about Paka in 1997. If you want to see a Youtube video about that typhoon experience you can go here. This one was nowhere near as bad as that one, but it did bring back some bad memories. I was most worried about the roofs at PIU but they made it through ok. We are very glad we cut limbs off the big tree behind the PIU computer center because that tree cracked all the way down the trunk. We will need to take that one completely out. We lost a lot of our fruit trees at home but we are glad there was no damage to the house. We are still waiting for power and water to be restored to our house in Yigo. We hope soon. Here are a few pictures of the immediate aftermath of the typhoon at our house and at PIU.

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Pointed down our driveway (left) and toward the jungle (right)


Our fichus tree got pulled up by the roots. Joyce’s lime tree also got flung into the mud


No power so I brewed my coffee over a gas burner on the laundry porch

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Joyce’s 7 year old mango tree was pulled out by the roots and blown up to and over the back fence

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Lots of trees blown down at PIU too. But the roofs stayed on! Thank you for praying!

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