Tuesday, April 19, 2016

PIU Spring 2016 Staff Appreciation Dinner

Staff Appreciation (11)

We are into the last two weeks of the Spring semester. So last  night we held our annual PIU Staff Appreciation Dinner at the Fiesta Resort World Café. The food was excellent, the fellowship was great and I think a good time was had by all. We are very blessed to work with our wonderful PIU family. Here are a few pictures of the event

Staff Appreciation (1)Staff Appreciation (2)

Nino Pate, our MC, kept things moving. Not hard since everyone was moving quickly and often to the buffet

Staff Appreciation (4)Staff Appreciation (5)

Mike and Samantha shared a little about their upcoming plans. They will be leaving for Cincinnati, Ohio where Mike will be in a PhD program for the next three years. We will miss them, but know we will get them back as even better teachers. They received some nice parting gifts

Staff Appreciation (6)Staff Appreciation (12)

We all received gift certificates and raffle prizes. Joyce did not get to keep the carving on the right.

Staff Appreciation (7)Staff Appreciation (8)Staff Appreciation (9)Staff Appreciation (10)

Joyce took a few pictures of our PIU faculty, staff and volunteers enjoying the evening. A big thank you to everyone who makes PIU happen. We could not do it without you.

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