Joyce and I had a few moments this afternoon to talk by ourselves and we were amazed that we have already completed the third week of the semester. We began this semester at PIBC with a lot of challenges. The school was almost out of funds and most of the staff had been away all summer on home ministries and mission trips and we were way behind getting ready. But, somehow the admissions committee was able to get through the pile of applications and God supplied enough funds (even though without a cafeteria manager, we are paying for a cafeteria that we can't use) to get us into the semester. On the Guam campus we have 105 students with 63 living in the dormitories on campus. It is exciting to see our campus become a little more diverse. We have 5 full time American students now and several Korean and Chinese students.
We are getting back into our routine after coming back from the summer. When we arrived Eric and Christian Sorenson were staying at our house. They have since found their own rental house and are awaiting the arrival of the rest of the family next week. Tim and Melody Plaxton are staying with us right now until they can find a place to buy. They are out looking at houses and condos right now. We enjoy having them staying here but they would like to get settled in to their own place. I will be heading down to Palau next week to do the classroom portion of my Prophetic Literature class there. I would appreciate your prayers for that and for the Plaxton's house search.

Joyce is enjoying her eight kindergarten students at the Little Lambs Pre-School. She continues to teach there in the mornings and take three PIBC courses in the afternoon. What a cute group of kids!
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