We have just finished the second week of the semester. It was a busy and eventful week. I began the Guam portion of my Prophetic Literature class on Thursday night. I have 12 students from the Guam campus, 6 from Chuuk and 5 from Palau in the class for a total of 23. Last week I did the classroom portion of the course in Chuuk and next week I will be in Palau to teach the classroom portion. The rest of the class is done by internet and email. The students access the class website to get their assignments, take quizzes and contribute to the weekly threaded discussion. Last week the discussion was on Isaiah 7-9 and the identity of Immanuel. This week we are discussing the meaning and application of the judgment passages. It is very challenging for the students in Chuuk and Palau to access the course on dial-up internet.

The week ended with a benefit concert for Steve and Anne Stinnette at Calvary Baptist Church. The purpose was to help raise money for Steve's corneal transplant. There were a lot of testimonials and tears along with the singing and fellowship. We were really excited that God provided $4200 for the Stinnettes during the evening. We are really sorry to see them go, but we are excited about what God will be doing through them while they are on the mainland. Keep praying for Steve's healing and God's direction for Steve and Anne. They plan to fly out of Guam next week.
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