Friday began with another two hour class session. This one covered one of my favorite parts of Genesis, chapters 12-20. I am always impressed by the normal "humanness" of Abraham and yet the great way that God used him. It is a good section to cover during the 4th session in three days; kind of an encouraging "pick-me-up" to all of us. After class we headed up to Melekeok village for the Palau Evangelical Church Deacon's conference meeting. This a quarterly meeting of the leadership of the PEC. I usually go once a year to make a report to them about PIBC. This year I talked about the challenges PIBC faces with possible expansion, the reaffirmation of accreditation process and in continuing to update our mission as we face new challenges. The meeting is also a good opportunity to renew acquaintances with Palauan ministry colleagues and former students. PEC leadership is excited about the school, ready to send more students and looking forward to the board meeting and PIBC mission trip to Palau this summer.

The drive up to Melekeok was enjoyable on the new "compact road." When we lived in Palau in the 1980's a trip from Koror to Melekeok involved a 2-3 hour boat ride. With the new road around the big island of Babeldaop we made it there in about 40 minutes. The new capitol buildings there are also impressive. The capitol moved there from Koror a couple years ago. We enjoyed plentiful Palauan food, good fellowship and the beauty of the church's Sebuu (Rest) retreat center. The only negative was the nasty shock I got when I touched the microphone. Brandon Buie also got a nasty shock when he connected his computer. It seems the wires were connected backwards and power was coming up the ground wire. We were thankful that none of our equipment was damaged.
That evening we headed back to Koror and had a nice Mexican dinner at Bandidos. Yes, there is a Mexican restaurant in Palau and I think it is better than any we have in Guam!
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