Last week, while I was in Chuuk, Joyce took a trip to Yap with Jim and Joan Bartell from one of our supporting churches,
Gateway Bible Church in Scotts Valley California. Jim and Joan talked to us last summer about a possible mission trip from the church to Yap and so they were scouting out the possibilities. They also spent a couple days with us on Guam after we returned from our island trips. Joyce and the Bartell's stayed with Asael and Tachimy Ruda, Chuukese missionaries to Yap who have been pastoring there for almost 20 years. One project being considered is the renovation of a new PIBC classroom. PIBC has been able to teach only a few classes in Yap since typhoon Sudal in 2004 because of the damage to the church there and the moisture problems in the PIBC classroom. The Yap church has made a house on the hill available to PIBC but it will require a lot of renovation (about $20,000 worth). Jim had a lot of great ideas about how it could be done in partnership with Gateway. They also had an opportunity to talk to the leadership of the Yap church about other ministries could be done by a mission team.

oyce also had a great opportunity to meet with some of our alumni and old friends from Yap. Mac Alfonso, December 2007 PIBC grad, served as the Yap guide for the trip. Mac has stepped into the youth pastor position in the Colonia, Yap church. He asked many times for prayer for the task. Joyce also met her buddy, Momoe, a former student and wife of 2007 grad Jonathan Tamag (I met Jonathan in Palau the week before - he is there for training for his job as hospital counselor.) The whole group had a good time doing a day tour of the island.

Our biggest need in Yap is for a couple who could come and coordinate our PIBC Yap teaching facility and work with leadership training in the Yap Evangelical Church. Asael is trying to serve the three churches in Yap and he could use some help. Yap is a beautiful place with friendly people. The Gospel has been in Yap for only about 50 years and there is still a lot of work to do. If you are interested (masters degree or better required) please click on "email me" and we can talk about it.
1 comment:
Dear Mr. Dave Owen,
My name is Jamari Robinson and by God's grace I came upon your blogsite. I am a 20 year old, African American male student of private Christian University called Azusa Pacific (located in Los Angeles, CA). Next week, I will embarking on my first ever 6 week overseas missionary journey to Guam, Yap Island, and Satawal. The closer I get to leaving my home county of Sacramento, Ca, the more anxious/scared/tense I am becoming. My mind is flooding with all sorts of questions and thoughts, which range from questions about what I need to pack for my journey to what spiritual warfare I shall encounter once my foot touches Guam. Yes, I am writing this email to ask for whatever ideas you may have about the needs of the people of where God has sent you and what words of wisdom our Father has granted you in your time of service. I am also requesting prayer, for the state of my heart and for the other 7 APU students who are going with me. This email is just my attempt of reaching a hand out of murky waters, and I pray that someone grabs it and with God's grace pulls me in. May you be blessed through just receiving this email, thank you Mr. Owen, and may Christ's love and peace continue to intensify in your life.
Jamari Robinson
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