Wow, we are already a month into the year and two weeks into the semester. This weekend is a little different because we have a visitor with us, Brandon Buie. Brandon is a student at Dallas Seminary and the founder of
iAlethia Worldwide, an organization that promotes biblical education and ministry training worldwide through the use of modern technology. He and I met 3 years ago through internet and email and got to know each other during my recruiting trips to DTS. He is working on translating biblical training and materials into the Micronesian languages and will be going with me to Palau and Chuuk over the next couple weeks to work with possible translators and form a strategy for using his materials in the islands. We will also be working together to teach a
PIBC course Exegesis in Genesis. We will leave Tuesday for Palau.

Yesterday Brandon recovered from the long flight, though he did help Dale and Joyce with a little of the construction work on our new laundry room. In the picture Joyce is putting the mortar into the top row of blocks. We took Brandon on a tour of Guam today. It was a beautiful, but windy day. After church, Joyce and I, with her mom and dad, took off on the Southern circuit of the island. Above you can see Brandon and I at the
Santa Marian Kamalin Park in Malesso. We also stopped and looked at Inarajan Pools, Ceti Bay Overlook, Agat Park and Asan Overlook.

One of the fun stops was at
Fort Soledad in Umatac. This fort was built in 1810 near where Magellan originally landed on Guam in 1521. After touring the fort there we met a friendly

Chammoro man who gave us a lesson about
carabao and sold us some sweet Guam bananas.
After the tour we stopped at Jamaican Grill for my birthday lunch. Jamaican Grill is our kids favorite restaurant on Guam - sorry kids to eat there without you - and certainly one of our favorites. We got the Family Platter Deal with more ribs and chicken than we could eat. We also loved the fruit salad and chicken kelaguen. We finished with a fried banana dessert. Thank you Dale and Marion for a great birthday dinner.

Tuesday we will be heading down to Palau to teach the class, meet with the Palau Evangelical Church leadership and with several PIBC alumni and friends. Please pray for us that the LORD will give us a productive time down there and that we will be able to minister effectively to the students and others we meet.
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