I have not posted in a while, partly because Joyce still has the camera in California and partly because I am pretty much doing the same thing every day. I spend most of my mornings preparing for the board meetings coming up next week. (I have most of the materials written up and sent out by email but we are working on hard copies of the materials now.) I am still teaching Exegesis in Hebrews with Don Howell on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights. We go out running on the other nights. It isn't boring. We have had some excellent theological and ministry issue discussions. I have many such discussions with the staff and faculty at PIBC but it is nice to get an off-island perspective once in a while. I am also having opportunity to have lunch with some of the staff here on Guam to find out how they are doing and to touch base with leaders of other ministries on the island.

This morning I helped Joyce take care of her on line check in (by IM with her in LA and me on Guam) for her flight tomorrow. She told me that Michael and Samantha finally got internet in their new apartment.
Michael was able to post to his blog so I was able to get some new pictures of the grandkids to post here (Does Titus look like he is ready to follow the Owen tradition of being a teacher?). There are more on Mike's blog. I think the hardest thing about being a missionary is having family so far away. The older I get the harder that seems to be. I am looking forward to picking up Joyce at the airport tomorrow night. We will have a couple days here before we head down to Palau next week. I am trying to get rid of the big, black male cat that seems to have taken up residence in our laundry room. I have chased and scared him away several times but he keeps coming back, with his strong male cat odor. I haven't seen him in a couple days so maybe the room will smell OK when Joyce gets back. :)
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