Joyce and I will be heading to Palau tonight to participate in the Palau Gospel Days and the Pacific Islands Bible College Board meeting. We will be there until Sunday. Joyce will be working with the kids' programs and doing some training for the children's workers. Our board meeting will begin Wednesday and end Friday evening.
Palau Gospel Days celebrates the 80th anniversary of the arrival of the Gospel in Palau in 1929. The church has actually been celebrating this all the month of June. A PIBC mission team has been there since the beginning of the month participating in the youth rallies and other activities that have been going on in many of the villages. This week will be the climax of the celebration. There will be several services, seminars, feasts and workshops going on throughout the week.
The PIBC board also has several important issues to discuss such as 1) our expansion into Hawaii 2) our crisis staffing situation in Chuuk 3) future plans for building on our campuses 4) our new graduate level program, 5) plans for reaffirmation of our accreditation and several other pivotal issues. I would certainly appreciate the prayers of all who read this blog. I hope to be able to give you an update while I am there but internet access is still a little bit difficult in Palau. If I can't update from there I will post as soon as I get back.
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