Friday, January 11, 2013

Student Leadership Training

SAMSUNG            We are two days away from the first class of the semester at PIU. This past week has been a time of preparation for the administration, faculty, teachers and for the student leadership. SAMSUNG            Our Student Life staff organized a week of training for the student council representatives, resident assistants, chapel leaders and other student leadership. Faculty, staff and administration worked with the students on areas such as academic leadership, cross-cultural issues, school SAMSUNG            procedures and discipleship/mentoring. Monday night the student leadership team came over to our house for hot dogs, rice and cupcakes, and to have a session on leading according to the PIU objectives. We talked about how we need to work together to prepare the future leaders of the island to lead with words and actions according to a biblical worldview. We had a lively discussion and I am excited about what God will be doing through our student leaders this year. The student life team did a great job putting together the training.

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