I spent this past weekend in Chuuk. My purpose was to meet with church and education leaders there to get our teaching facilities and distance education programs up and running again. I enjoyed sitting with Yosta Lodge and Noah Ruben from Faithwalk Christian College and President of the Evangelical Church of Chuuk, Karsom Enlet. The bottom line is that our plans to bring classes back to Tol and Weno is moving forward.
Dr. Sam Mabini will be in Chuuk next week (October 4-7) and will be offering the PIU entrance exam on the FCC campus and in Weno (probably at Chuuk High School). PIU applications and more information are available from Cathy Samuel at Berea Christian School or by emailing me or Sam. Former PIBC students who would like to complete degrees, college graduates interested seminary courses or anyone interested in PIU programs should contact Cathy now or see Sam when she is there at the Truk Stop this weekend.
When I arrived in Chuuk the weather was beautiful and pleasant as you can see from the pictures above taken from the window of the plane as we were preparing to land. But the weather pretty quickly got dark and nasty.
Basically, for the next three days I did not get out of the hotel because of the rain and wind. I have never seen the waves come up so high in the lagoon as on this trip. (I am sure they have but I have not seen it.) I had hoped to go out to Tol to FCC on the trip but we were not able to get any boats across the lagoon during the weekend.
It was a rough day on the lagoon on Sunday afternoon
Here are a couple pictures taken from the hotel toward the main road in Weno. As you can see the road is not repaired yet on this portion.
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