It was great to be back at school with the students and staff and hear what has been going on while I was away. Yesterday at the staff meeting one of our deans shared how one of our new students prayed to receive Christ this week. Every year we have students, who came here thinking they were already Christians, understand the gospel for the first time and commit their lives to Christ. The great thing about it was that he was led to Christ by a fellow student. I had a chance to preach in chapel today. This week we have been preaching through Ephesians 1:3-14 and today was my turn. This weekend we will be going to an all-school retreat at Rios Beach. I am looking forward to spending some direct time with the students and I will get to preach to them again at the Sunday sunrise service. The students are also excited about this week's startup of our "Adventure Club" outreach to the kids in our neighborhood. Next week will be the Fall semester break.
Here are some prayer requests....
- We are in need of short or long term coordinators for all three of our remote teaching facilities in the Fall semester due to furloughs and other issues.
- The Chuuk state scholarship funds have not yet arrived. This is a real hardship for our Chuukese students and a bit hard on the budgets of both campuses.
- Please pray for refreshment and that our students and staff will hear what God has to say to us as we take time away this weekend from normal activities to focus on prayer, fellowship and God's Word. I'll let you know next week how things went!
- Pray for Chuuk faculty member Graceful Enlet and his wife Bilha as they go to Hawaii to deal with some of her medical issues.
- Bible/Theology Teachers - especially ones who could also serve as teaching facility coordinators
- English Teachers - Master's degreed or ESL qualified
- Maintenance Person for our Chuuk campus - Short or Long term
- Computer Person - Short or long term
And here is another picture of my cute grandson

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