Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fall Registration at PIU

We just finished what is usually one of our busiest weeks of the year – Fall registration at PIU. Most of the students went through the registration lines last Wednesday through Friday, student orientation begins tonight and classes begin Monday night. There are still a few students who are not here yet and we always have a few who apply and register late. We are encouraged to see so many new students and to see others who will be interested to come in January. It was also great to see faculty and staff step up to handle all the chaos and, demonstrating the image of God, bring order, beauty and development of relationships out of it. I think we are ready to get the semester started.  


Wednesday was registration for new students, Thursday for commuter students and then Friday took care of the returning students living on campus. On the left, our registrar and PIU catalog expert, Urte Scherer, makes sure that Ceci has the right classes on her schedule for her program while Kita greets the camera in the background. On the right, English teacher Sarah Brubaker handles academic advising for 2nd year student Jesse Hartt. 

In the meantime our maintenance crew, Mo and Tyler with help from student and staff volunteers, made sure that our facilities are ready for the students. They added a couple new rooms in the women’s dorm and fixed what was broken last semester.  Mo is in his last semester in our seminary and Tyler is a 3rd year student in the biblical studies program. Here Tyler is replacing ceiling tiles in classroom 1B.

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