Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Fall Admin Council

My first order of business on returning to Guam was our Fall administrative council meeting. We normally have an admin council with our Guam administrators every Monday morning, but once a semester we bring up the administrators from all our sites for a meeting. So Monday-Wednesday we met. The picture here is from a committee meeting for the teaching facilities and included Yosta Lodge, Chuuk campus director, Noah Ruben, Chuuk remedial coordinator, Iotaka Choram, Chuuk TF coordinator, Jens Schulz, VP Finance and Operations and Rob Watt, Palau TF coordinator and me. And yes, we are sitting in the corner booth at King's Restaurant where we have a lot of our meetings. Also included in the meetings were Brad Boydston, Academic VP, Eric Sorenson, Seminary dean and Hollie Schaub, acting VP of human resources.

The two main issues discussed were the future use of our present Tol, Chuuk campus and the preparation for our reaffirmation of accreditation with TRACS (including the changes we need to make to add accreditation for our remedial programs, teachers education and other growth.) I will post more on these two issues later. I thought that it was a good and productive meeting even though I was struggling with jet lag. One of the greatest things about working at PIBC is that I am working with people who are focused on the kingdom of God, and who know how important it is to laugh fairly often.

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