Saturday, June 25, 2011


While the house is being renovated Mike, Sam and the kids are staying with us. This also means that their dog Seneca is also staying with us – in the backyard, not in the house. The main reason that it was insisted that the dog needed to stay with us was that it was pregnant. Well, last week it gave birth to one puppy and the kids were thrilled. I was a bit squeamish about touching the dogs but the kids certainly were not.




Here is my pet on the right. I saw this little guy in my office on Tuesday. The web we found in the corner of the office indicated that the spider had been busy in the evening. We left it alone and it maintained its position on the wall all day Tuesday. I have not seen it since. I have a lot of respect for this spider because it seems to be a survivor. Note that it has only seven legs. They are not poisonous or harmful and perform a valuable service by eating the insects that are.

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