Guam is the place “Where America’s Day Begins,” so it is also the place where America’s national Day of Prayer begins. We were privileged to lead America into prayer yesterday. We began with the Island Prayer Breakfast led by the island’s military chaplains, including guard chaplain and PIU graduate, Lt. John Tomada (right). The Guam Ministerial Association pastors were invited to the event and I was privileged to join them (left). Thank you Liann for the nice sunset and Bible picture at the top of the post.
The sermon by Navy Commander Timothy Moore was excellent. He called out the island churches to reflect the love and unity Christ called for in John 13-17.
Then, in the evening The Guam Ministerial Association Day of Prayer Service began.
Every year we lead the island in prayer for our nation and island, and have a time of public worship at the government center at Adelup. I love the freedom to be able to do this right on Marine Drive as traffic is going by. We pray for various aspects of life on our island and nation. This year I was assigned to pray for government and prayed that government would reflect Christ based on Psalm 72. GMA president, and Calvary Baptist pastor, Rob Puckett MC’d the service and got things started. Though the crowd started small, by the time it was dark we had a good group out.
Left: Faith Church girls do a worship dance. Center and Left Pastors Ricke Harris and Albert Alquero lead us in prayer for the military and for families
The PIU students sang three songs
We ended the service with a final “cell-phone light” worship. You can see the traffic lights in the background. This is the view from the stage.
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