My main reason for going to Palau this time was to meet with the PEC church leaders at the Deacon’s Conference. This is a quarterly meeting in which the PEC leaders do most of the church business. At each meeting a PIU report is made by our PEC board member, Pastor Hiob Ngiraichemoi, or, as this time, by me. This time I was asked to share with them some ideas about how PIU can help the PEC to deal with their lack of young leadership in the church. I think what was said well-received and
I had several conversations with individual church leaders afterward. PIU’s, Pacific Islands Evangelical Seminary (PIES) is specifically designed to do this and to provide seminary training for Micronesians within their own island context. In addition, with the PEC’s plan to start a K-12 school in Koror, they will need teachers with solid educational and biblical training which PIU can also provide at the bachelor degree level. By the way, if you are interested in teaching in Palau (all the way from kindergarten to college level) I can direct you to the right people to make that happen.
The conference was at the church in Ngaremlengui. These pictures were taken right outside the church building
This was dinner at the conference. They were caught the night before. MMMMMMMMM!
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