I am enjoying my time in Northern California and will post on that soon. Meanwhile Joyce sent me some pictures and news to report. First some sad news... Our dean of women, Ethel Laco (shown here 2nd from left, with May Vigil, Joyce and Melody Plaxton) was informed last week that her mother had gone to be with the Lord. When she made plans to go to the Philippines for the funeral she found that her visa would require her to stay outside the US for at least a year before she could come back. Though she was very sad about leaving her ministry here, she needed to be with her family at this time and so she left last weekend. We will really miss Ethel a lot. She did so much around the campus (Ethel always knows where things are and how things are supposed to be done), the students love her and she is a good friend. Please pray for her ministry to her family and, if God wills it, she would be able to come back to PIBC some day. Joyce says that everyone is already missing her. Please also be in prayer for May Vigil as she has flown to Hawaii for some medical treatment.

Here is a picture of Joyce's ESL class at PIBC. She and Kent Boydston team teach the class. Joyce is especially enjoying getting to know her Taiwanese students who include Pastor Wu of the Guam Chinese Christian Church, his wife and daughter. This semester has been a change for Joyce to move from teaching kindergartners to teaching ESL to older students at the Japanese school and to adults at PIBC. Kent is also teaching a group of students at the Korean Presbyterian Church. It is a good way for PIBC to reach out to the church community on the island and provide some help and to get to know Christians on the island outside of the Micronesian communities.
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