This Sunday Joyce and I went over to the Guam Palauan Evangelical Church to support our team of Palauan PIBC students who were making a presentation there. I know that sounds like a uni-cultural experience but it really wasn't. We had an American from Texas (Daisy Murdock) sharing about how God was calling her to Palau and the miracles that happened there this summer for the team that came from Susanville California to minister in Palau. We had a Yapese (Percia Ragagad) telling everyone that she was about to be from the Palauan island of Peleliu and a Palauan from Yap (Everly Ngirake;) sharing about his summer mission trip to Palau. Finally we had a Palauan (Joel Okada) talking about his summer mission trip to Thailand and his desire to be a longer term missionary there. Even though we couldn't understand some of the service in Palauan it was an encouraging multi-cultural experience.

The PEC-Guam is pastored by Andrew Immanuel, who was one of my students at Emmaus back in the 1980's. So it was great for us to get caught up with Andy and Julie and see how big their new twin boys have gotten. We were so encouraged to hear what God is doing at the PEC and to hear about the revival that is going on among the Palauans on the US mainland. I am hoping to meet with some of these Palauans when I am in California next week. After a good time of pizza and fellowship we went home Sunday

afternoon encouraged by the good reports, joyful from the good fellowship and ready for a nap.
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