I flew from Los Angeles to Sacramento on Saturday fighting a nasty cold. On Sunday morning I was supposed to be speaking in two services at Gold Country Baptist but I awoke with no voice whatsoever. I figured since I came 8000 miles to be there I would give it a go and try to speak. The church elders prayed with me and I started to speak. My voice got stronger and stronger and I made it through both services. Afterwards, My voice went back to nothing for the rest of the day. I took Monday off and feel a lot better now. I had a great time at GCBC seeing a lot of good friends and receiving a lot of encouragement. PIBC owes a lot to GCBC as they support the Plaxtons, Mary Lou Carruthers and other short term projects and people in addition to us. It was great to have a Sunday to fellowship with them.
Tuesday I drove up to Redding with Joyce's mom and dad. I met that afternoon with Pastors John Murdock and Jacob Ngiraiblosch from Susanville and Palau. We discussed a strategy for training leadership for the many Palauan churches that are popping up all over the USA. I am hoping to get some of the young people in these churches out to PIBC in Guam. We will also work with the churches in the US to train Palauan leaders and hopefully send some PIBC people to speak at conventions and workshops in California and Texas. There are a lot of exciting things happening with the Micronesian churches in the States.

Wednesday morning I had the opportunity to speak at Shasta Bible College's chapel. It is always fun to be able to share about missions and opportunities to serve in Micronesia with the students there. They always have a lot of interest in what we are doing. The picture is of me with Dr. Keith Stone who is the missions prof there. In the evening I spoke at one of our supporting churches, 1st Baptist Redding. I got an opportunity to talk about missions with the kids in their AWANA club and then shared the vision of PIBC in the adult Bible study. It was good to renew relationship with Pastor Rob (pictured above) and the rest of the good people at 1st Baptist Redding.
This Sunday I will be speaking in the morning services at Gateway Bible Church in Scotts Valley.
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