Last Sunday was the last day of my four week Sunday school series at the Guam Lutheran Church. It is always fun to teach there and not just because of the incredible view. (Michael and Samantha got married on the beach just outside the church.)
Brad Boydston said he was watching a dolphin jumping just outside the reef while I was teaching. They have a great group of people there and the discussion is always interesting. I was teaching on "cults" (a greatly misused word and often meaningless or hostile in common usage) and decided, instead of just going through "this group is a cult because..." we would talk about what makes a group "cultish" and how can we avoid these kinds of beliefs and practices in our own groups and individual lives. The group pretty much ran with it and we had four weeks of lively discussion. I think everyone got something they could apply. In the picture Joyce is standing in our driveway as we get ready to leave for church. She made the dress!

Sunday night we went to the Wood's house to celebrate Bill's 70th birthday. We ate chicken and ice cream, visited with each other and had a hymn sing which featured Bill playing hymns in his own very entertaining style. It is a lot of fun and, in my opinion, our group sounds pretty good. There are so many of us now, that it is pretty much impossible to fit us all in any of our houses. It is a blessing to have so many (yes we still need to fill some positions) working at PIBC but, it is a REAL blessing to work with people you like and trust (and can carry a tune!).
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