While I was in Texas I took quite a few pictures of Leila. The ones I am posting today are from
last weekend right before I left to head back to Guam. Joyce is still there for a couple weeks so you should not be surprised to see a few more pictures of Leila posted in the near future. Even though I had a great time last night spending the evening with my 3 grandkids here, I miss that baby and my grandson Milo in San Diego. That may be one of the hardest things about missionary life, but I suppose this kind of geographical dispersion is pretty common in Western culture in general too. Anyway, here are a few more cute pictures.
On Saturday Kevin and Rebecca Wilson drove down from Arkansas to see us. Kevin was our youth sponsor at Yigo Baptist in 1993 and took a couple classes from me at PIBC. We had not seen him in 18 years so it was fun to remember past events (7 year old Missy driving the church van seemed to be the prominent memory). It was a good reminder of how God has worked in the past.
Grandpa and daddy take their turns holding the baby
And Leila gets her first bath
The whole family was involved
Joyce’s sister, Judy, and her parents came over on their way back to California (update on Joyce’s dad’s condition as soon as I hear one) and brought Leila some presents