This last Tuesday was my opportunity to preach in chapel. I focused on two biblical themes from two different scriptural passages. First we talked about covenant from Ephesians 2.4-6 and focused on how Jesus did everything we needed to be in relationship with Him, making us alive for relationship and service at the cross and resurrection. Our job is respond to the relationship with loyal love. The relationship depends on Christ alone. The experience of relationship happens as we respond to what Christ has done with love, faith, and gratitude. The second theme was “wisdom” from Proverbs 25.2. God has blessed us with this beautiful world that He created. He has hidden wonderful things in it that He expects us to find through diligent “digging as for gold.” We grow in wisdom as we grow in knowledge of God and His creation and learn to live within the present flawed creation as His kingdom people, and ultimately, in His perfect creation on a renewed earth. I encouraged the students that they should study the creation well and be excellent teachers, scientists, musicians, artists, mechanics etc. as kingdom service to God. Our band pictured here is a good example of this kind of excellence!
My life “Mission Verse” is Ezra 7.10, I believe God has given me a ministry of teaching the Bible wherever I go, in a way that relates it to the people around me, whoever they are. So I will share here what is going in my head, my life, my family, my challenges, my trials, my heart etc. I’ll try my best to do it openly and honestly and to share what God is saying to me through his word and all the other things in my life without holding anything back.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Last Tuesday Chapel in November
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Thanksgiving Day Feast
Yesterday we enjoyed our annual PIU Thanksgiving Day celebration feast. The PIU family came together to produce a lot more food than we could eat in one sitting, but we did make a significant dent in the bounty on the table. We also had a good time to share with one another, sing, enact a reading about the 1st Thanksgiving, and I shared a short devotional on 4 ways that we show that we are thankful – talk about grace, celebrate grace, respond to grace with committed lives and share the gifts God has given us with others.
The group overflowed our classroom/chapel area as we sang and shared
Then we lined up for food. I think I few people went back into the line multiple times
The students made a “thank you” presentation to the faculty and staff
And we got to spend some quality time with many of our friends
Reading Through Hosea
We now move into the first book of the Minor Prophets, Hosea, accompanied by The Minor Prophets vol. 1, The College Press NIV Commentary, by Harold Shank. Hosea views God’s relationship with Israel through the lens of a jilted husband and the father of a rebellious son. I am posting quotes from the book on my Facebook page on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (NT is Mon-Wed-Fri) and we can discuss comments and questions about the passage there. As usual, quotes from the commentary are in blue below…
Hosea 1-3 tells the story of the prophet's family as an allegory of God's relationship with Israel. Hosea's wife Gomer is a cult prostitute who will not stay faithful to her husband. This produces three children whose names indicate that God will overthrow the monarchy of the Northern Kingdom and break of his covenant with the nation. However, the purpose of this is repentance. Just as Hosea takes back his unfaithful wife, God will forgive, take back and bless the nation if they will repent and be exclusively committed to Him.
(Hosea) reveals the extent to which the LORD will go to maintain his relationship with Israel, explaining both the pain of the current unfaithfulness and the potential pleasure of faithfulness. Central to the allegory is the explanation that the impending punishment is not mere retribution for wrongdoing, but discipline aimed at drawing Israel home. Hosea 1, 40
The God who had been betrayed (2:2, 5), ignored (2:8), and forgotten (2:13) now entices Israel to an isolated place to win her affection...Hosea 2:14–23 tells the story of the prodigal wife come home. In effect, Hosea’s text parallels Jesus’ story of the prodigal son (Luke 15). Hosea 2.14-23, 53–54
The LORD wants relationship (as in “my husband”), not simply submission to authority (as in “my master”). Many think that, in the Baal religion, the Israelite God the LORD was often called “Baal.” The LORD not only wants the Baal name dropped, but he also seeks a restored relationship (“my husband”) with them. Hosea 2.16-17, 54
Chapters 4-10 reflect on chapters 1-3 and how they apply to the nation of Israel. Israel is taken to "divorce court" with the charge that they have no faithfulness to the truth, no committed, passionate love for God (the husband), and no relational knowledge of Him. God wanted exclusive devotion to him, not mechanical responses of half-hearted obedience. The 1st section (4.1-6.10) condemns the priests for perverting the knowledge of God by combining it with Baalism. Israel will suffer as God removes his protection from them.
The judgment that God wants includes mercy and acknowledgment...Mercy’s unending, willful devotion to a relationship is contrasted with momentary sacrifice. Hosea’s key concept of knowledge joins mercy. Knowing includes both surface recognition and a willingness to be a part of and to obey. Here acknowledgment calls for the core of a person’s soul. Hosea 6.4-6, 81
The people cry out for help, but not to the right source and without the right heart, resulting in devastation. Hosea 7.13-16, 90
Israel showed their lack of faithfulness and trust in God by relying on kings, forts and foreign nations (Egypt, Assyria) for protection (6.11-8.10). So God gave them up to allow their inadequate protectors to protect them, which brought disaster. The people respond to Hosea's message by calling him a lunatic. Thus, they miss their opportunity and the Northern Kingdom of Israel and its monarchy is completely destroyed and the people are exiled in 722 BC (9-10).
The theme of the section is that worship does not lead to being right with God. Being right with God leads to worship. Israel worships frequently, but he has “forgotten his maker” (8:14). Hosea’s critique includes the difference between a religion of ritual and a faith of the heart, the incompatibility between religion done for what the worshiper gets and a faith lived out for what the worshiper can give, the incongruity between a people who flirt with every religious fad and those who know the true God. Israel is religious but has little faith. Hosea 8-10, 96
The name of Jezreel once predicted an end to the kingdom (Hos 1:4–5); the end of the monarchy itself is now predicted...The people had deceived themselves, believing in their own resources and power, ignoring the proffered resources and power of God. The result was their own destruction. Hosea 10.13-15, 114
The image in Hosea now changes from a jilted husband to a loving father of a rebellious child. The father knows he must discipline the child, and does it, but is always looking for ways to help and redeem the child. In the end, when the child chooses the wrong way the father must let him go to experience the full consequences of his actions. But Hosea ends by pointing out that the father's love for the child never changes. Repentance and restoration are always possible.
The LORD is now the altruistic father who loves and cares for the child, which has no parallel in the Baal faith. The materialism of the Baal worship, with its agricultural rewards resulting from its sensual worship, is set aside by the image of a father who gives himself totally to his child. While a betrayed husband takes punitive action against his unfaithful wife, the betrayed father chooses not to carry out his anger against his unfaithful son. Hosea 11, 115
The core of unfaithfulness is deceit and pride. The two feed one another, making the possessor unaware of their presence. Self-deception leads one to assume arrogantly that one’s status is of his or her own making and that no outside source, especially God, is needed. Hosea 12, 122
Hosea’s fourteen chapters become a program for the divine-human relationship at any moment in history, calling us to see his faithfulness, admit our unfaithfulness, and return to the LORD, acknowledging him and living in faithfulness, righteousness, mercy, and justice. Hosea 13-14, 137
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Thanksgiving Chapel
Happy Thanksgiving from Guam! PIU started our Thanksgiving celebration on Tuesday with our traditional Thanksgiving chapel. We basically open up the microphone so that anybody, students, staff, faculty, can share what God has been doing in their lives over the last semester. It is always a very encouraging chapel for me as I hear how God has supplied, overcome problems, brought joy and comfort and especially brought insight and growth in relationship with God to the students.
We had a good time of singing and then Melvin opened in prayer. I like the one black and one white sock!
And then there was a lot of sharing, praising, singing, praying and giving of thanks
Monday, November 21, 2016
Traveling in Ohio #3
I thought I would do one more post about my time in Ohio. While I was there I had the opportunity to speak at Grove City First Baptist Church, join Titus and Courage for lunch (above), and have a few other adventures with family and friends.
Mike and I had an opportunity to talk about the ministry at PIU in the service at Grove City Baptist, set up a display in the foyer of the church (the poster-size picture of me was not my idea!) and enjoy a “meet the missionary” potluck dinner after church. Thank you to our friends and long-time mission supporters Ron and Jane Routh who set all this up. Ron and Jane were part of our church in Yigo, Guam back in 1993-1995
I had a fun day with Courage and Titus at their school, meeting their friends
We enjoyed the playground and park and then the next day it was time to go to the airport
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Traveling–Ohio #2
Some of you may not have heard that my son, Mike, is now in a PhD program at Hebrew Union College. We hope to get him back to PIU in a few years with a PhD. I had an opportunity to go to school with Mike one day while I was in Cincinnati. I enjoyed attending an exegesis class with him, meeting some of his classmates and seeing the campus. I especially enjoyed touring the museum. That is where I took most of the pictures. The picture above is the school’s chapel.
One of the campus buildings and the Torah scroll at the entrance to the museum
These synagogue items were taken out of Europe in the 1930’s to protect them from the Nazi’s
On the right is ancient pottery taken from archaeological sites in Israel
Friday, November 18, 2016
Reading Through Ezekiel #4
We now move through the final section of the strange book of Ezekiel accompanied by Ezekiel The College Press NIV Commentary, by Brandon Fredenburg. In this section, Fredenburg sees this final section as an “extravagant” offer to the exiles of blessing and protection which was not taken by most of the exiles and, thus, did not come to pass. Nevertheless, it is applicable because it is an example of the kind of offer God makes to His people at the end of the age. I am posting quotes from the book on my Facebook page on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (NT is Mon-Wed-Fri) and we can discuss comments and questions about the passage there. As usual, quotes from the commentary are in blue below…
Ezekiel 33 begins a major new section in the book. The exile, the turning point in Israel's history has happened. Now Ezekiel turns from focusing on the surety of the doom of Jerusalem, to the opportunity to be renewed in covenant blessing. The covenant promised both destruction and exile for sin, but also promised blessing and renewal for repentance. In 33 Ezekiel provides a warning for the people to take this opportunity while it is open. He has "blown the Trumpet" and the people need to respond with repentance. In 34 God promises to remove the oppressive national leadership and restore a king like David if the people will repent.
The oracles in the following chapters are designed to lift Israel’s chin and reiterate the hope that their own covenant documents announce. It never was Yahweh’s intention to allow judgment to be the last word, even if it was a necessary preparation. Ezekiel 33, 281
Incredibly, they appear to want a god who does not change, rather than one who mercifully responds to changing circumstances. They desire a logical and predictable god, rather than one sovereignly free to judge each one according to his own ways...Yet, Yahweh’s actions are principled: he seeks the way that brings life and sustains holiness. Thus he sent the watchman to encourage the righteous to remain righteous, and the wicked to turn and live. Ezekiel 33.17-20, 286
It is insufficient for a shepherd only to nurture his flock as Yahweh’s example demonstrates; it is equally necessary at times to defend the flock from harm originating within and outside the flock. Ezekiel 34.11-16, 304
35.1-36.15 contain two prophecies about the "mountains of Edom" and the "mountains of Israel." The mountains of Edom will receive the covenant curses because they, as the ancient rival and enemy of Israel, helped the Babylonians destroy Jerusalem. In contrast the devastated mountains of Israel will receive the blessings of the Abrahamic covenant. Ezekiel is now transitioning to the prophecies focused on future blessing for the exiles.
(Edom) is to be a sign to the watching world that Yahweh still loves and guards the inheritance of the house of Israel. Because of Edom’s encroachment, Yahweh will cause Mount Seir and all of Edom to become desolate. This punitive response will convince the world that Yahweh is sovereign. But it will also convince the demoralized exiles that Yahweh had not abandoned them or his covenant promises. When Yahweh would act on their behalf, he would remove their most ancient enemy. Ezekiel 35, 312
Edom and the others failed to recognize that destroyed Judah still belonged to Yahweh...Each believed that Judah’s calamity was Yahweh’s final word. Had they considered the covenant promises, they would have known that the destruction was merely a preliminary step to extending the full menu of blessings to his people once again. Ezekiel 36.1-15, 314
36.16 begins the prophecies of the restoration and blessing of the land and people of Israel. Both the exile and the restoration are necessary to show "the nations" the character of God, so that, ultimately, the whole world can be blessed through Israel.
Yahweh is the LORD. He would orchestrate events so that Israel would fulfill her divine mandate. He intended for her yet to be a holy nation, a royal priesthood, a light to the nations. Yahweh’s intent to fulfill his covenant obligations was more than a matter of faithfulness to his word, it defined the essence of his holiness. Ezekiel 36.22-32, 319
In chapters 37-39 the prophet tries to inspire the exiles with hope and motivate the faith needed to return to the Land when God gives the opportunity. The "dry bones" vision inspires hope by telling the people that God is able to restore the nation, even if it requires a national resurrection. The end of the chapter adds that the restoration will restore the entire nation of 12 tribes, not just Judah. It will be a restoration of David's covenant. Chapters 38-39 let them know that, even if the greatest enemy of all time came against them (Gog), God could easily take care of them. John picks up the language here in Revelation to let us know that, even if the all physical, political, spiritual and all other evil were gathered against His people, Jesus still wins, easily.
This strange description is an extended metaphor of Yahweh’s ability to inspire the dispirited exiles to renewed hope, obedience, and trust in his power to save them from their depressing surroundings. Yahweh can make promise after promise to exiled Israel about coming home, but he cannot make them go home. The return requires a trust in Yahweh that compels one obediently to leave Babylon and travel back to Judah to rebuild. Ezekiel 37, 323
The opening verses of both chapters unmistakably announce that even Gog’s plans to harm obedient, unsuspecting Israel are well within their God’s ability to maneuver, manipulate, and control. These chapters describe Yahweh’s activity designed to prove to the nations that he is sovereign over even them, and to prove to Israel that he is their covenant-keeping God. Ezekiel 38-39, 336
The ominous, menacing Gog, leader of the world’s best-equipped armies, face-to-face with Yahweh, gets his weapons knocked out of his hands and drops dead. The enemies are unevenly matched; the confrontation is not even a battle, and it is over before it begins. Ezekiel 39, 346
There are many views to the meaning of the temple vision in 40-48. Fredenburg sees it as a temple that could have been built, but was not. YHWH was giving his people a chance to trust in a very extravagant restoration and appreciate the "extremes" He was willing to go to bring them back to the land. The beauty and order of the temple should have made them aware of their sinfulness (43.10-11) and amazed at God's power and faithfulness. God is willing to live with His people, and now invites Israel to repent and come back to their home with Him.
To be sure, Yahweh always wants his people to live in conformity with his own unchanging character, but the exact forms in which we manifest such lives necessarily differ from culture to culture and age to age. A relationship between Yahweh and his people confined to long-past, unfamiliar ancient cultural norms would be a major step backwards. Something greater than a physical temple and new tribal allotments is in view. Ezekiel 40, 356
We must assume that Ezekiel’s audience would have been overwhelmed by the sheer size, detail, and care with which the new temple was constructed. Their overwhelming awe was supposed to transfer to an overwhelming sense of the degree to which Yahweh was willing to go to reestablish their relationship. The symmetrical perfection of the structures and Yahweh’s meticulous attention to order demonstrated the depth of his desire to have the hearts and minds of his people back. Ezekiel 40, 359
Yahweh stands in his new temple, in the midst of a renewed land, awaiting his “prodigal son” Israel to return home after feeling shame for his sins. What more can he do? He calls out to Israel to return to him and the temple he built so that they may be faithful to its design and follow all its regulations and thus fulfill its, and their, purpose. Yahweh’s return is a magnanimous invitation for Israel’s return. Ezekiel 43, 378
With a new temple there would be a new altar and procedure for sacrifice. The rules for priests and rulers would be changed as well. Even God's land would be newly divided. God was inviting the exiles back, but he wanted them to know that he was very serious about holiness as the requirement for their new covenant relationship with him.
Holiness was the appropriate state for the worshiper, as well as the temple furniture used in that interaction. An appropriate degree of holiness (wholeness) was temporarily gained by the worshiper and the furniture through various cleansings and sacrificial rituals. Ezekiel 43.18-27, 382
Harmony before Yahweh only occurs when his people take their responsibilities before him and one another seriously. Ezekiel 44, 388
The setting aside of a central sacred district ensured that Yahweh indeed would be their God and would dwell in their midst. Such promises spoke volumes to Ezekiel’s landless companions. But it also reminded them that the land belonged to Yahweh as his possession, to be allotted as he saw fit. He was its main inhabitant, not them, and he allowed them to live with him. Yahweh in his temple was to be the geographical and theological center of the regathered exiles. Ezekiel 45.1-8, 390
Fredenburg sees this entire final section of Ezekiel as a generous invitation from God to return from exile and enjoy security, prosperity and the blessings of God's presence. In Ezekiel's vision God supplies everything Israel will need: land, temple and blessing. However, the people must trust him and return. History shows that they did not do this and these promises were not realized. However, John will pick up on these themes in Revelation and show that this offer is still out there for God's people all over the world today.
This envisioned new temple period would be a glorious time of peace, prosperity, and purity for Ezekiel and the exiles. Ezekiel holds out the realization of the period of blessing announced by the Mosaic covenant in Deuteronomy 30:1–10. All that is needed is for the exiles to “turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul” Ezekiel 46, 396
The purpose of this section, with its exaggerated, poetic claims, was to reinforce for the landless exiles the magnanimous offer Yahweh extended to them to woo them home. Life on their land, with Yahweh and his temple in its midst and as its life-giving source, would be indescribably and unimaginably wonderful … when they returned. Ezekiel 47.1-12, 402
The last words of the prophet and of the book stand as an open invitation to those in exile. The house is built. The table is set. The rooms are assigned. The land is secure. And Yahweh is there … waiting … watching … wooing … wanting his people to come home. Ezekiel 48.30-35, 407
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Traveling: Cincinnati, Ohio
I wrapped up my 2016 Fall trip by heading to Cincinnati, Ohio. Mike, Samantha and the kids had moved there last summer and it was a good opportunity to see them and see Mike’s school. I also had the opportunity to speak in Grove City Baptist Church that weekend, which is about an hour from Mike’s house. I have a lot of pictures so I’ll divide this one into two or three posts.
The Grandkids: Titus, Arete, Serenity, Courage. On the right, they board the school bus
A few more of everyone being amazed at seeing their breath in the 30+ degree weather