Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Anchorage Cultural Center

SAMSUNG            I will make a couple more posts about our vacation time and then will focus on our usual August activities – getting ready for a new semester. I am headed to Palau this weekend for the Deacon’s Conference  there. I would appreciate your prayers for some profitable conversation with the church leaders in Palau as we work together for the kingdom. In the meantime here are some pictures of the Alaskan Native Cultural Center in Anchorage. We spent an enjoyable afternoon there and learned a lot about the indigenous people groups of Alaska.

The totem poles were very interesting

We saw a dog sled demonstration. They pulled a sled on wheels since there was no snow.


Joyce holds a fox pelt. The skeleton is of a grey whale


The center was constructed around this lake with villages representing the different indigenous groups in Alaska.

I could not resist playing with the tools

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